Leave benchmark study for Managing Directors

One of our clients requested Grovation to conduct a benchmark study that specifically focused on annual leave for executive managers and directors. This study’s focus group was limited to a small number of participants as it was agreed that a comprehensive study with many participants was not necessary for its intended purpose. The benchmark study was conducted through a questionnaire-based survey which assisted in obtaining useful insight into the allocation of annual leave to senior employees across companies of varying sizes and sectors.

A survey, consisting of eight detailed questions related to annual leave, was developed in order to gather relevant data from various companies about different aspects of annual leave. The main objective of this survey was to identify how many annual leave days MD’s/CEO’s are allowed per annum and how it is allocated to them.

After gathering the data needed, we corroborated our findings through an interview with a specialist in the field, who has access to relevant salary benchmarking data on annual leave. The results show that annual leave for an MD/CEO tends to range between twenty (20) and twenty-five (25) days, with the minimum of fifteen (15) days and maximum of thirty-three (33) days recorded. There were few companies where the MD is the majority shareholder and/or owner of the company. In these cases, there is no limit to annual leave days, and they are not required to put in leave requests.

If you would like to see the full report, please contact us and we will gladly share it with you. Also if you would like to conduct a similar study or discuss best practises, do not hesitate to contact us.

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